1 week ago
On outdoors adventures, madcap pets, artistic endeavors, and other escapades.
Left unsupervised for a few minutes, and the contents of the kitchen garbage can are everywhere. Ooops. Must have left the cupboard door open enough for him to get in.
Has any dog owner out there not had one of these moments?
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The picture says it all. Classic.
And you're trying to adopt ANOTHER dog?! But I bet all is forgiven, isn't it? Every time we left our dog (an English Mastiff) alone, she either ate several shoes or chewed a windowsill off. My sympathies.
Oh, he's definitely forgiven. I can't hold a grudge against anybody - canine, feline, or human. But this is exactly why I crate train my dogs. Having had a dog who wasn't crate trained, I know that moment of dread just before opening the door when one wonders what valuable object could have been destroyed in one's absence, like, say, a couch. At least we were home when this happened and could intervene before an emergency vet visit could become required! Honestly, most of his antics just make me laugh... and reach for the vacuum and the Nature's Miracle...
What a wonderful picture. Well, I'm sure you didn't think the scene looked wonderful at the time. I currently have two puppies so I know how this happens. I crate them when I leave, but when I'm home I sometimes just turn my back for a moment and they get into something. Such are the joys and sorrows of loving pets. Thanks for the great photo.
Mine does it too, if I relax my vigilence for even a moment. And mine will do that ashamed looking face thing, too.
Carolyn H.
At least his legs are too short for him to reach the stuff left on the counter top! :D
Common scene when we lived closer to town on the Forth of July. 50 lbs of dog food everywhere, the bag in tiny pieces and the garbage everywhere too. Hope this does not happen there very often!
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